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“If you are having a slow day, his samples will wake you right up!”

 - Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise

Kras - Muziekvoorstelling

This season a new production by Muziekvoorstelling called Kras is touring the Netherlands and Europe. It features Rudi van Hest (clarinets), Jaber Fayad (ud), Gerard de Bruyne, drawer and is directed by Simone de Young. I also penned four musical numbers for the show. Intended for ages 2 to 5, more info can be found here:

Januari 5, 2018 - Posthuis Theater, Heerenveen, NL
Januari 28, 2018 - De Dillewijn, Ankeveen, NL
February 18, 2018 (11 am, 2 pm, 4 pm) - De Doelen, Rotterdam, NL
April 8, 2018 - Podium Mozaiek, Amsterdam, NL
April 29, 2018 (10 am) - Het Nationale Theater, The Hague, NL
April 29, 2017 (11:30 am) - Het Nationale Theater, The Hague, NL