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"His virtuosity as performer and composer were irrepressible." - Scott MacClelland, Performing Arts Monterey Bay

iPad Concerto to Brasilia

Concerto for iPad & Orchestra
Tuesday March 8, Brasília, Brazil
Orquestra do Teatro Nacional Claudio Santoro
Claudio Cohen, conductor
Rafael Ribeiro, iPad

Dear friends,

This March 8th the Brazilian national orchestra OTNCS, led by Claudio Cohen will perform 'Rotterdam Concerto II', in Teatro Pedro Calmon in Brazil's capital city Brasília. The iPad soloist will be Rafael Ribeiro.

Also on the program Jazz pianist and composer Mike del Ferro, also from the Netherlands, will perform several works with the orchestra.

Facebook event

Big thanks to the the efforts of Alex Duarte for setting this performance in motion and to both the Performing Arts Fund NL and the Dutch embassy in Brazil for making it possible.

Follow my adventure

Performing the iPad Concerto is always an undertaking to bring together the hi-tech with music. First there's just getting the gear working: the hardware (which iPads), the software (the OS version and the app versions), the amplification with live mixing and the four-input video projection.

That's all just before a single note of music sounds.

In the past I have always had my team :) working on this concerto. Either my wife or a good friend played the solo iPad part and at least several friends helped with the audio and video. But for this performance I don't have any of those 'home field' advantages. It is a new soloist, a new orchestra and a new hall with its own technical setup, all in a place where I know exactly one person.

So its going to be a bit of an adventure for me to put this on, to communicate all the ideas, techniques and music in the piece. Yes, I've taken great pains to notate everything clearly in the score, but all the various people involved will mostly be focused on their specific tasks; I'm the only person with both an overview and a detailed knowledge of all the parts working together. And to complicate things further, my Portugese is limited to broken Spanish! Luckily many people working on the performance speak perfect English and most importantly, the musicians are excellent, so I'm sure everything will come together.

Over the next week and a half I will make a series of posts on the iPad Concerto Facebook page where you can follow this adventure. I'll post regular updates and photos of how everything is progressing, explain how this performance has come to be and talk about the many related issues of the iPad Concerto.

To follow this adventure, like the 'Concerto for iPad & Orchestra' Facebook page and visit there over the next week and a half.

Like https://www.facebook.com/IPadConcerto/ on Facebook


Maestro Claudio Cohen conducting the Orquestra do Teatro Nacional Claudio Santoro.