Concerto for iPad & Orchestra
On October 15, 2015, Concerto for iPad & Orchestra was played again, by Sinfonia Rotterdam, with Keiko Shichijo (iPad) and Conrad van Alphen (conductor), in De Doelen. More info and updates about the concert can be found on the Facebook page:
This is what the director of the Culture Fund had to say about it:
"A pleasantly surprising piece on so many levels: exciting, engaging, and magical. McGowan has created a symphony that makes the integration of the iPad seem so natural, so ‘of course’, that you wonder why it hasn’t been done before or more often.
The iPad, with literally in nite possibilties, proves to be a worthy addition to the spectrum of orchestral instruments, and Keiko Shichijo demonstrates magni cently how musicianship and expressiveness can be conveyed via this new instrument.
The projection of the instrument on a large screen con- tributes to the work’s accessibility – commonly lacking in contemporary music – and the int”egration of sounds with the traditional orchestral instruments results in a piece that is both pioneering and an instant classic."